fifteen minutes of focus.


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I’ve recently adopted a new little trick in my never ending quest to figure out how to jam as much as possible into each day. I’ve deemed it “Fifteen Minutes of Focus” and although I know it’s not a revolutionary concept (thePomodoro Techniqueis similar), it really works for me.

Instead of stressing about everything that needs to get done – whether it’s cleaning up the apartment, responding to emails or folding laundry – I set a timer for 15 minutes and dedicate that time completely focused toonetask. This helps eliminate that overwhelming feeling and procrastinating on things that aren’t exactly the most fun, and actually, if you’re competitive like I am, it becomes a bit of a challenge for yourself.How much can I possibly get done in fifteen minutes? GO!

And you know what? The results are impressive. When my apartment is a total mess, it’s incredible the impact that can be made in fifteen minutes and then after that time is done, I instantly feel so much better knowing that I did absolutely all that I could in my time dedicated to that task. It helps combat the flaw side of multi-tasking – our shortened attention spans and general inability to truly focus and also gets me up, off the computer and on a mission for fifteen minutes.

Have you tried anything like Fifteen Minutes of Focus? What little tricks do you use to get shit done?