advice to my 22 year old self.

I flew back to New Jersey last night to celebrate my sister’s college graduation this weekend and while I still don’t quite understand how she’s graduating from college (wasn’t she just 12 yesterday?), I’ve been reflecting a bit about that point in my life and all of the craziness that comes with leaving college behind and entering the real world. Being 22 is a really interesting in between point – you feel “old” in terms of being done with school and yet you’re at the very bottom of your career ladder. It’s a big jumping off point that ends up having a profound impact on the rest of your life (which sounds terribly daunting and dramatic but hey, it’s true!) and in looking back I’ve pulled together some advice I’d give to my 22 year old self:

Advice For My 22 Year Old Self.

  1. Hustle pays off:听好了,现在是时候卷起你的袖子s and get shit done. Hustling in the beginning of your career is what can really set you apart from your peers – volunteer for projects, over deliver, prove your value. Don’t wait for things to be explained or handed to you, figure it out. Hustle is what is remembered and will go a long way (and, it’s actually really rare! Don’t always expect your peers to do the same)
  2. Take big risks and see what happens: Go into things with a “why not” mentality, you’re at a point in life where you have little to loose and there aren’t many other times that will be like this. Do work that’s beyond your role or job description. Take a job that you’re not 100% sure you’re qualified for but feel passionately about. Relocate and try a new city for a few years. Saying yes and not being afraid of what happens afterward is part of your growth. You’ll learn a ton and you’ll also get some amazing experiences and stories out of it as well.
  3. Trust your path: Your 20’s are kind of a weird time where everyone really starts to go their own way without being locked into school. Some people will stall a bit. Some people will get married and launch into the domestic life right away. People will start having kidson purpose. And all of this is fine! Everyone does their own thing and you really cannot compare your path to anyone else’s. Stick to it. Trust where you’re going and that your timeline or end goal can be completely unique.
  4. Ask for what you want: You’ll never know unless you try! Speak up. Ask for a raise, ask for a higher position, ask for dates. The worst that can happen is someone says no and at the end of the day, that’s not a very big deal. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with directly asking for what you want – don’t feel bad about it and never, ever apologize for wanting more than you have or what’s readily available.
  5. Don’t let it consume you: Yes, I just told you it’s all about the hustle but it’s also a time in life that should be a lot offun. You’ll start to have some money (horray for paychecks!) but don’t let that consume you and don’t be too busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Blow a paycheck on travel. Skip the shoes and spend on experiences. Have a backup plan and some savings to support it but let loose a bit too. Your career will be a big part of discovering who you are and what you want, but at the end of the day it isn’t everything.

What advice would you have for your 22 year old self? Anyone else have a family member graduating college this year?