Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!*Photos by Tory Putnam

Merry Christmas!

We’re back on the east coast celebrating Christmas with my family before heading to Chicago next week to see B’s family & spend New Year’s Eve in the city with friends. I’ll keep things short and sweet today but wanted to share a few of my favorite snapshots from a shoot we did for this year’s holiday card photos. Callie wearing a scarf is pretty much the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t be happier with the magic Tory was able to capture – it’s hard to believe we’ve been in San Francisco for a nearly a year now and I’m so grateful to have such amazing photos that showcase one of the most magical years of my life.

I hope Santa brought you everything you had wished for and that you all have a very Merry Christmas. May your day be spent surrounded by love and eating a few too many cookies ;)