Making a Statement with Removable Wallpaper.

Being a renter has its fair share of sacrifices and trade offs when it comes to apartment living. Bad kitchen? Been there. Weird floorplan? It happens. No painting allowed? Welcome to my life. Over the years of apartment dwelling I’ve gotten creative in scheming up little ways to add personality to my space and make even the most cookie cutter apartments feel like home. My latest trick? Removable wallpaper.

After drooling over gorgeous rooms with bold wallpaper on Pinterest I spent hours upon hours researching temporary options and foundChasing Paper.It was all when I spotted (pun intended!)their Speckle patternand I knew it would be perfect for our entryway area to break up the white walls.

I was blown away by the quality ofChasing Paper’s wallpaper– Ihad used a removable wallpaper from Target in a past apartmentand swore I’d never ever attempt wallpaper again on my own after the horrible experience I had applying it, but this stuff was 100x easier and peeled off without causing any damage to our walls. The small pattern in their Speckle paper is also very forgiving so you don’t have to worry too much about lining up the pattern perfectly (or in my case… having a bunch of weird small strips since I decided to just wallpaper around our IKEA shoe console!).

If you’re looking for a pretty quick and easy way to make a statement in your rental, definitely consider giving removable wallpaper a shot. It looks especially amazing in small spaces where you can go a little crazy with pattern and make a big impact without it being overwhelming and bonus is that it’s pretty affordable too since you don’t have to worry about needing a million rolls of wallpaper.

PS.You can check out how I used removable wallpaper in an old living roomANDa cute DIY option for using contact paper to create polka dots for your wall

Photo by Andrea Posadas