On Our Radar // 03.26

On Our Radar.

Happy Sunday! After alongtravel day on Friday (I swear, this was the trip of flight delays!), I made it back to San Francisco in the evening and thanks to some serious sleep and a nice deep clean of the apartment yesterday, I’m officially feeling settled back in at home. It was SO great to see so many Chicago friends (Danielle,Alaina,Jess,Kelly,Lauren,Maya,Jess,Emily… I’m lookin’ at you ladies to name a few) but man, the trip was a bit exhausting. Travel always tends to throw off your flowjust enough,you know?

Anyway, enough rambling from me – here are a few things that have caught our eye this week for your weekend enjoyment (best read with a cup of coffee in-hand!):

And recent posts around here in case you’ve missed ’em: