/ /礼物指南the Kids.

Day two of my ten days of gift guides is dedicated to the ones who tend to make the holiday season the most fun… the kids! Although Santa may steal all the credit, there’s truly nothing like seeing the excitement in a child’s face on Christmas morning. Some gifting ideas for the kids on your shopping list:/ /礼物指南the Kids.

Boss Board//Where The Wild Things Are//Hungry Hungry Hippos
//LEGO Classic SetSnowball Maker//Farm Animal Puzzle//Spin Art Set//
Wooden Train Set//Play Kitchen Set//Art Set//Personalized Knit Sweater
//Knit Sweater Scarf//Heart of Gold Tee//Awesome Tee//Fleece Bear Onesie
//Kitten Hat//Ski Patrol Sock Set//Metallic Stars Leggings//Star Wars Pajamas//
Cubebot玩具//法兰绒设陷阱捕兽者的帽子//Kids Hunter Rainboots//T-Rex Stuffed Animal
//“Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada” Book//Stampables Washable Markers//
Simon Memory Game//Seedling Fashion Designer Kit//Magic 8 Ball//Mini Scooter
//Wooden Alphabet Blocks//PlayDoh Super Color Pack//
Yomega Brain Yo-Yo//Lab in a Bag Science Kit//Nerf Gun//