Decorating With a Guy.

在一起每一个r是一个相当大的一步elationship. It signifies that you’re both ready to see each other 24-hours a day and truly get to know each other on an even deeper level. It’s when you learn each other’s quirks and often is what helps you decide if you’re dating “the one”. It’s a really exciting point in your life but among the excitement there can also be some tension as you blend belongings and aim to create a new home that you both love and can enjoy together.

3 Tips for Decorating With a Guy

Some tips for striking a balance in your space and decorating together, even when your tastes may seem drastically different:

Gather Inspiration: Chances are if you ask any guy to define his decorating style, he’s going to say something like, “uhhhh, I don’t know”. Lean on visuals instead to do the talking and spend time each gathering photos of rooms and spaces you love. After you’ve pulled together a bunch (Pinterest is great for this! Secret Boards, for the win), take a step back and look for key themes in your styles and sit down and look through the images together to talk about what you like about the inspiration images you’ve gathered. Think about things like: Minimal vs. eclectic? Bright and bold colors or neutrals? Light and bright or cozy? This will help you start to determine where your common ground is in decorating and allow you both to understand where the other is coming from with decorating expectations.

Agree on The Basics: Think in terms of large purchases first and be willing to put the time into researching options and coming to an agreement on items like: your sofa, entertainment center and bed. These items will be focal points of your space together and need to be things that you both enjoy the style of. If you’re struggling to come to an agreement, think neutrals – you can always add in personality with items like throw pillows, artwork and other accessories that are easy (and a lot less costly) to swap out and update over time.

Blend a Bit: Decorating is all about balance which works well when it’s time to combine two styles that may not be totally aligned. If you have a masculine detail, like a leather chair, balance it with a pillow that brings a more feminine vibe, like a fur or metallics. Have differing tastes in art? Create a gallery wall that features pieces that you both love to showcase both of your personalities. The blending of your two styles is what will make your space truly feel like “you” and what makes your home one that you love to share together.

在一天结束的时候,装饰在一起(和many other aspects of a relationship) is about compromise. Realize that there will be things you’ll have to be flexible with and that your space may not end up looking exactly like your own personal dream space. It’s about give and take and finding a common ground between your styles to create a space that you both love equally. Take your time, remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect overnight and have fun! Although decorating together can be stressful, creating your first home together is incredibly exciting and the perfect opportunity to get to know your significant other even better.

Happy decorating!