On Our Radar.

Happy weekend and happy June! Getting back to the grind after a long weekend is always such a challenge, but a four day work week definitely sweetens the deal. Now that we’re officially in the first month of summer, plans tend to get a little crazy for everyone with a whirlwind of travel and events. Still, I’m so looking forward to using these next few months to both work hard and have some fun. One of my goals for the coming months is to do at least one new-to-me thing every week — whether that’s visiting one of D.C.’s hidden gems or testing out a trendy restaurant for brunch. This week, I laced up my running shoes and jogged for the first time in months. I only ran a mile and it was mostly downhill, but the important thing is that I did it, right? It’s all about getting started.What are you looking forward to doing more of this summer?

And in case you missed what happened on the blog this week: