How to Beat the Winter Blues.

Although I’ve escaped the reality of below freezing winter weather, my recent trip back to Chicago for New Years was a harsh reminder that winter sucks, and now that the holiday season is behind us and the novelty of the first snowfall is long gone… the winter blues are probably sinking in. Unfortunately – welcome to January – here you’re stuck smack dab in the middle of the winter, and especially for my friends in Chicago…winter’s are no joke. The polar vortex, grey weather and daily snowfall can take a serious toll on your mood often causing a nasty case of the winter blues. But luckily, I’ve got five ideas for you to help shake those winter blues and lift your mood in no time:

5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues.

  1. Brighten Up Your Space: Winter weather means you’re likely to be spending a lot more time indoors, so why not make your space one you truly love? Tackle a decorating project you’ve always wanted to get done (gallery wall, anyone?) or add a few new accessories like some bright throw pillows or a cozy throw. Even if on a budget or not interested in doing a little shopping you can freshen up your space with a little restyling or rearranging your furniture.
  2. Get Sweaty: Although you’re probably layering up and not quite thinking about bathing suit season yet, getting sweaty will not only warm you up but boost your mood as well. Check out a local fitness studio likeSoulcycle(you have to tryHallie’s class),飞轮orCorePower Yogafor a great indoor workout and instant stress relief. You’ll be in awesome shape by the time you’re ready to hit the beach!
  3. Take a Tastebud Vacation: Chances are your very own local food scene probably has some perfect options for experiencing a little escape through your tastebuds. For those of you in Chi-beria: make a reservation atSummer House Santa Monicafor an extra dose of vitamin D thanks to their sunny dining room and California vibes or grab dinner atMercaditofor tacos, margaritas and tropical vibes.
  4. Do a Little Pamperingy:有时你只需要治疗ourself! A little pampering can go a long way to help you relax and take a little mental escape. Trade in your parka for a fluffy robe and slippers and book a spa day, either solo or with your girlfriends, and you’ll be sure to leave with feeling refreshed.
  5. Think Summer Plans: Let’s face it… there is nothing better than summertime! Start thinking of summer and make yourself a bucket list to make the most of warmer weather. What restaurants would you love to patio dine at? Are there any festivals you’ve heard great things about? Thinking warmer thoughts about the city you love will help get you excited even when the wind chill has got you down.

What are some of your go to’s for beating the winter blues? Has anyone started counting down until the first day of spring yet?